When your internal systems are balanced and optimal, you have clear glowing skin, a sparkle in your eyes, boundless energy, a positive mood, and a joyful spirit. Functional nutrition gets to the root cause of skin issues by identifying and correcting imbalances through appropriate diet and lifestyle modifications.
Organic phyto-nutrient fruits and veggies, pure mineral water, plant fibers, beans, berries, probiotic foods, dark leafy greens, mushrooms, herbs and spices, avocado, coconut, olives, nuts and seeds. Improve your skin and health by preparing organic whole foods and nourish yourself the way nature intended.
Eating is a sacred act. Engage with the beautiful colors, aromas, flavors, textures, and satiety that food brings. It connects us with nature and the environment around us. So slow down, breathe deep, and make each meal a healing meditation!
The best way to ensure your optimal health and radiant youthful skin is to primarily eat whole, organic, plant based foods in a rainbow of color and a wide variety of types. This provides an array of antioxidants and phyto-chemical protection against degenerative diseases that plague society today. Eating lots of whole plant foods also gives us lots of necessary fiber which is critical for detoxification and healthy digestive function.
Go for nutrient density, which means that every bite of food is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, amino acids and whole healthy fats. Some examples that top the list and should be incorporated in your diet daily are greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, and seeds. Eating this way will naturally cut cravings for sugar and nutrient devoid processed franken foods that steal your vitality. When the body is well nourished and satisfied, normal hunger levels are restored and we are freed from the pleasure trap of unhealthy food choices.
Eat the rainbow from nature as she intended! Support your health and the health of our planet by eating a primarily plant based diet. To learn more stay tuned with blog posts of what I'm currently learning! Remember, what we eat today is what our brains, bones, and bodies are built from! So make it real, and feel the difference. To the best version of yourself!
Your health supporting kitchen starts here! Lets clear out toxic foods and replenish with health supporting options. You will be stocked and ready to make nutritous meals anytime!
Lets get to the root of your symptoms and make lifestyle shifts that will result in true healing that is sustainable and lasts.
This is where the magic happens! Unleash your inner artist and let the beautiful colors and flavors of nature be your canvas! Small groups or private. Learn how easy and delicious it is to eat the nutrient dense way!
Healing is a process that unfolds with time and committment. Investing in a package ensures your success and allows us to go deeper andmove through plateaus of healing.
Each session will cover lifestyle foundations that support optimal health and balance that goes beyond just diet. If appropriate lab testing will be recommended and ordered.
We will cover the best recipes to support your unique dietary needs and make it fun, simple, and tasty! I want you to look forward to nourishing yourself and take pleasure in the art of feeding yourself well.
eat whole, eat real, eat organic, drink pure, move your body, love, laugh, enjoy!